le May 13, 2011 |

NEW !! In 2010 Esteban completed a world tour of 22 countries, performing and teaching at various festivals and salsa schools. He submitted log books in french from nearly every city he visited to one of the Facebook groups created by his fans (“Salsa World Tour 2010”), in which he recounts not only his work as a teacher and dancer, but also his adventures and personal accounts of the realities at each of his stopovers. In addition, he happily plays with language and literary references inherited from his past as an avid reader, poet, and occasional columnist. Captivated by his writings, the Parisian publishing house, Thélès, sought to publish them into a book for its collection "Elzévir". Inspired by the Facebook group dedicated to his world tour, Esteban decided to call his book "The World around Salsa". You can order your copy now by visiting our website Contact page and leaving a message. The cost is CHF 25 (19 €). Happy reading!

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